3 tips for your winter elopement

3 tips for your winter elopement

Getting married in winter can be so beautiful but also very very cold. To make sure that your elopement wedding will be as amazing as you imagine it, I’d love to give you some tips that might help you.

#1 Choose your location wisely

If you are looking for that perfect winter wonderland make sure that this situation is likely to happen at your desired location at your desired date. How high are the chances for snow? And if there is snow – how accessible is your location?

#2 Wear multiple layers

Getting married in a white scenery might be very beautiful but it also can be very cold. So keep that in mind! I suggest that you wear at least one layer of 100 % wool underwear to keep you warm. This also helps if you want to play in the snow because wool is water-repellent and even if the wool is wet it still keeps you warmer than cotton or polyester.

#3 Choose the right footwear

Getting married in a white scenery might be very beautiful but it also can be very cold. So keep that in mind! I suggest that you wear at least one layer of 100 % wool underwear to keep you warm. This also helps if you want to play in the snow because wool is water-repellent and even if the wool is wet it still keeps you warmer than cotton or polyester.

winter elopement at mountain lake

winter elopement at mountain lake

Getting married with your four legged friend in a dreamy winter wonderland? HECK YES!!! We did this cute little wedding ceremony right before christmas. It was soo freaking cold but so peaceful. In summer, this location is so crowded, but we had it just for us. To be honest – it was quite difficult to reach it because of the snow and ice, but we managed it 😉

It just was a perfect day for a beautiful and intimate ceremony at this gorgeous mountain lake.

ceremony: Original Karo

flowers: Blütenreich Bonn

dress: Lorelei – Feine Kleider

accessoires: Refined Bohemia

snowy engagement session

snowy engagement session

I’m not a big winter fan but I always start screaming like a little kid when it starts snowing. The first thing I do (when there’s enough snow) is to run outside and doing snow angels in the fresh snow (and hitting my husband with a snowball afterward ;D).

This was just the most gorgeous winter landscape I have ever seen. SOOO good. L & A also made it so HOT on that day. Still drooling over these two.

Ever thought about getting married at your favourite spot in nature? Eloping makes this possible. 😉

Together with some other amazing vendors we created a beautiful inspiration for a beautiful intimate autumn wedding at a lake to show you what’s possible nowadays.

Vermietung Nimmplatz

Dekoration Schwarzliebtweiss

Fotografie & Papeterie Herzenszauber

Planung Just Lovely – Wedding & Eventdesign

Brautkleid Lorelei Feine Kleider

Bräutigam Accessoires Der feine Herr

Floristik Blütenreich

Papeterie Herzenszauber

Backwerk Pennycakes

Trauringe Mein Lieblingsring

Haare & Make-up La Chia

Traurednerin Sina Buchwitz

Kalligrafie Fräulein Ronja

Stola TipiYeah

Jeansjacken Federgold

Kerstin & Max

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