Your answers.

Frequently asked questions

I know you still got a lot of questions – I would, too! So here are some of them answered.

I’m Fran, little bit crazy, little bit lovely, trying to be your new best friend, professional stalker. 😛

I am a professional designer and worked for 3-4 years in a design agency until I got burned out and decided to listen to my gut and live my life the way I want to. It is too short to waste it doing something you not really want to do and not spend it with the people you love.



Wanna know more? Head over to About me.

»Herzenszauber« is what I stand for. It’s German and means something like »enchantement of the heart«. I am always doing everything with my full heart.

I chose to photograph weddings because I am crazy romantical and a huge fan of love stories and movies. Being able to photograph REAL love stories and tell them to all your favorite people is the most amazing thing for me.

Yes, I do! I love capturing the unique bond between parents and their children.

I’m trying to get to know you as best as I can before your great day and become friends with you.

That way I get a feeling of your relationship and know your story so I can capture your love they way it deserves to be told.

I’m all about natural, candid photos full of emotion and far from being directed.

Don’t worry. I GOT YOU!


I always hated it myself to be infront of a camera because I always looked awful. Until I started photographing myself and tried just being myself when I’m in front of a camera.


I am NOT telling you how to stand, how to look etc. but I am helping you to be yourself in front of the camera and giving you very loose directions. Trust me. We’ll get awesome images of you!

I am always pro sunrise or sunset because we have the blue and golden hour light which are both gorgeous!

I am working with 2 Nikon D750 at the same time, one with 50 mm, one with 35mm to quickly capture moments from two different angles. I also bring a 70-200mm lens and a 15-30mm lens to weddings.

I ALWAYS have two memory cards in each camera to have a backup if one memory card fails.

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